Monday 2 July 2012

Home-made pizza


On Friday night, we made pizza. There is something about home-made pizza, loaded with all the toppings you can fit on it and hot out of the oven, which beats takeaway and restaurant pizza every time.

As far as recipes go, it's a bit DIY. Make the pizza dough (we use our bread machine for this, which saves a lot of effort), cook up a very tomato-y sauce and chop up whatever vegetables and meat you fancy. I can heartily recommend using thinly sliced chorizo.

 The important thing is to make sure you have lots of mozzarella, and to have everyone assemble their pizza at the same time, so no one hogs all the toppings.

Then just pop into the oven to bake, and test your endurance as the delicious smells start to fill up the house.

 We also had a go at making fruit brûlées, with strawberries, a peach and a nectarine with a good dollop of crème fraîche and a thick layer of brown sugar on top.

 The trickiest part was covering them in sugar without also covering the kitchen in sugar. This was not helped by the fact that as soon as you'd finished on one, the sugar started to sink into the crème fraîche.

 We spent a while working out how to make our oven's grill work, then shoved them under it to caramelise. A blow torch would have made this a lot easier. We ended up leaving them under the heat a bit too long, which slightly cooked the fruit inside, but the result was still delicious.

I think the main thing is to be able to crack the top with a spoon.

In other news, my brother (aka Blistering Barnacle) and his girlfriend are here this week, so hopefully they can be persuaded to share some recipes of their own. It's completely grey and misty today, so I am dreaming of spicy stews.

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